Rainbow Currency is traded on selected exchanges:
The Rainbow Currency is different – it has been created by more than 3,200 Internet users from 157 different countries. For the first time ever, a cryptocurrency is launched by the people for the people, controlled and represented by a global non-profit foundation. This is your chance to join the movement.
“Rainbow Currency has all the elements of becoming the cryptocurrency that everyone was waiting for. The currency whose price hardly falls down but steadily rise up and up as more currency users (members, artists, and businesses) join the SafeZone open network where people and recommended businesses are free to join and make money (Rainbow Currency and/or USD) without any capital needed in addition to protecting their privacy and security while using SafeZone.”
Rainbow Currency is traded on selected exchanges:
1 Twinkle (TWNKL) = US 0.250 (+2,400.0%) 19.01.2018
ERC20 Compliant
ERC20 Compliant
Total Supply:100 Billion Coins
Circulating Supply: 40,000,000,000
Market Capitalization: US$ 10,000,000,000.00

The Rainbow Currency is different – it has been created by more than 3,200 Internet users from 157 different countries. For the first time ever, a cryptocurrency is launched by the people for the people, controlled and represented by a global non-profit foundation. This is your chance to join the movement.
The Rainbow Currency is globally accepted by many online shops as well as local points of sale (POS). Skip the bank and credit card fees, turn your mobile phone into an ATM, and make your payments with maximum privacy and security.

The Rainbow Currency is different – instead of creating an energy-wasting, centralized “mining” industry, we give free money to all our members for easy-to-fulfill everyday activities.On top of that, we are running 3 different airdrop campaigns to reach out to our different target groups: consumers, businesses, and artists.